Auth decorators exposing most of the auth logic.
Access token decorator.
Decorator that require a jwt access token before executing the wrapped function
If the user successfully has been successfully
logged in, the user model instance is added to
the context dictionary with the key user
Source code in turbulette/apps/auth/
def access_token_required(func: Callable[..., Any]):
"""Access token decorator.
Decorator that require a jwt access token
before executing the wrapped function
If the user successfully has been successfully
logged in, the user model instance is added to
the context dictionary with the key ``user``
async def wrapper(obj, info, **kwargs):
return await func(obj, info, **kwargs)
return wrapper
Fresh token decorator.
Decorator that require a fresh jwt access token before executing the wrapped function
If the user successfully has been successfully
logged in, the user model instance is added to
the context dictionary with the key user
The "freshness" is determined by the JWT_FRESH_DELTA
timedelta setting
Source code in turbulette/apps/auth/
def fresh_token_required(func: Callable[..., Any]):
"""Fresh token decorator.
Decorator that require a fresh jwt access token
before executing the wrapped function
If the user successfully has been successfully
logged in, the user model instance is added to
the context dictionary with the key ``user``
The "freshness" is determined by the `JWT_FRESH_DELTA` timedelta setting
async def wrapper(obj, info, **kwargs):
if (
datetime.utcnow() - datetime.utcfromtimestamp(info.context["claims"]["iat"])
) > settings.JWT_FRESH_DELTA:
raise JWTNotFresh()
return await func(obj, info, **kwargs)
return wrapper
Refresh token decorator.
Decorator that require a jwt refresh token before executing the wrapped function
If the user successfully has been successfully
logged in, the user model instance is added to
the context dictionary with the key user
Source code in turbulette/apps/auth/
def refresh_token_required(func: Callable[..., Any]):
"""Refresh token decorator.
Decorator that require a jwt refresh token
before executing the wrapped function
If the user successfully has been successfully
logged in, the user model instance is added to
the context dictionary with the key ``user``
async def wrapper(obj, info, **kwargs):
return await func(obj, info, **kwargs)
return wrapper
Scope decorator.
Log a user and check if it has the required permissions before executing the wrapped function
If the user successfully has been successfully logged in,
the user model instance is added to the context dictionary
with the key user
Source code in turbulette/apps/auth/
def scope_required(func: Callable[..., Any]):
"""Scope decorator.
Log a user and check if it has the required permissions
before executing the wrapped function
If the user successfully has been successfully logged in,
the user model instance is added to the context dictionary
with the key ``user``
async def wrapper(obj, info, **kwargs):
if await authorized(info.context["claims"], info):
return await func(obj, info, **kwargs)
if is_query(info):
return None
add_error(ErrorCode.FIELD_NOT_ALLOWED, info.field_name)
return None
return wrapper