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Pytest plugin

Turbulette has a built-in pytest plugin to help you write unit tests for your API.

To use it, you'll need both pytest and pytest-asyncio

The Turbulette pytest plugin provides several fixtures to create the test database and setup the ASGI app.

Turbulette's pytest plugin.


Reload the conf package to clear db, registry and settings.

Scope: function

Source code in turbulette/test/
def blank_conf():
    """Reload the conf package to clear `db`, `registry` and `settings`.

    Scope: `function`
    app, registry, db, settings =, conf.registry, conf.db, conf.settings
    yield, conf.db, conf.registry, conf.settings = app, db, registry, settings

create_db(db_name, project_settings, request)

Create a test database.

Scope: session

Depends on : db_name

Source code in turbulette/test/
async def create_db(db_name, project_settings, request):
    """Create a test database.

    Scope: `session`

    Depends on : [db_name][turbulette.test.pytest_plugin.db_name]
    # Connect to the default template1 database to create a new one
    project_settings.DB_DSN.database = "template1"
    # The pool must be able to authorize two connection to drop the test db if needed
    engine = await create_engine(str(project_settings.DB_DSN), min_size=1, max_size=2)
    async with engine.acquire():
        await engine.status(f'CREATE DATABASE "{db_name}"')
        project_settings.DB_DSN.database = db_name
        # Drop the test db if needed
        if not request.config.getoption("--keep-db", default=False):
            await engine.status(f'DROP DATABASE "{db_name}"')
    await engine.close()


Return the name of the test database.

Scope: session

The name is generated as follows : test_YYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss

Source code in turbulette/test/
def db_name():
    """Return the name of the test database.

    Scope: `session`

    The name is generated as follows : `test_YYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss`
    return f"test_{}"


Session fixture that return a Tester instance.

Scope: session

Depends on : turbulette_setup

Source code in turbulette/test/
def tester(turbulette_setup):
    """Session fixture that return a [Tester][turbulette.test.tester.Tester] instance.

    Scope: `session`

    Depends on : [turbulette_setup][turbulette.test.pytest_plugin.turbulette_setup]
    return Tester(turbulette_setup.registry.schema)

turbulette_setup(project_settings, create_db)

Create a test database, apply alembic revisions and setup turbulette project.

Scope: session

Depends on : create_db

Source code in turbulette/test/
async def turbulette_setup(project_settings, create_db):
    """Create a test database, apply alembic revisions and setup turbulette project.

    Scope: `session`

    Depends on : [create_db][turbulette.test.pytest_plugin.create_db]
    conf_module = reload(import_module("turbulette.conf"))
    setup(project_settings.__name__, database=True)
    async with conf.db.with_bind(bind=project_settings.DB_DSN) as engine:
        settings_file = Path(find_spec(project_settings.__name__).origin)
        alembic_config = (settings_file.parent / "alembic.ini").as_posix()
        script_location = (settings_file.parent / "alembic").as_posix()

        config = Config(file_=alembic_config)
        config.set_main_option("sqlalchemy.url", str(project_settings.DB_DSN))
        config.set_main_option("script_location", script_location)
        upgrade(config, "heads")
        cache = getattr(import_module("turbulette.cache"), "cache")
        await cache.connect()
        yield conf_module
        if cache.is_connected:
            await cache.disconnect()
    await engine.close()

Tester class

Test helper to make resolver testing more convenient.


Helper class to test GraphQL queries against the GraphQL schema.

assert_data_in_response(response, data) classmethod

Assert that the response contains the specified data dict.


Name Type Description Default
response dict

Response data to check

data Dict[str, Any]

Data that should be present in response

Source code in turbulette/test/
def assert_data_in_response(cls, response: dict, data: Dict[str, Any]):
    """Assert that the response contains the specified data dict.

        response (dict): Response data to check
        data (Dict[str, Any]): Data that should be present in `response`
    for key, value in data.items():
        if key in response:
            assert response[key] == value

assert_query_failed(self, query, op_name, variables=None, headers=None, jwt=None, errors=True, error_codes=None, raises=None) async

Assert True if the GraphQL query fails.

With default params, the query fails if:

  • Request status is 200 (we test the query execution, not the HTTP request)
  • GraphQL errors array is present
  • The name of the GraphQL operation is not in the operation response data

Additional options can be used to assert specific results :


Name Type Description Default
query str

The GraphQL query to execute

op_name str

The name of the GraphQL operation

variables dict

Operation variables.

headers dict

Request headers.

jwt str

JWT (must be formatted as prefix token).

errors bool

Assert that the response data contains the GraphQL errors array

error_codes List[turbulette.errors.ErrorCode]

List of error codes that must be present in the response.

raises ErrorCode

Error code that must be present in ["extension"]["code"].



Type Description
Tuple[bool, dict]

Ariadne's GraphQLResult object response

Source code in turbulette/test/
async def assert_query_failed(
    query: str,
    op_name: str,
    variables: dict = None,
    headers: dict = None,
    jwt: str = None,
    errors: bool = True,
    error_codes: List[ErrorCode] = None,
    raises: ErrorCode = None,
) -> GraphQLResult:
    """Assert True if the GraphQL query fails.

    With default params, the query fails if:

    - Request status is `200` (we test the query execution, not the HTTP request)
    - GraphQL `errors` array **is** present
    - The name of the GraphQL operation is **not** in the operation response data

    Additional options can be used to assert specific results :

        query: The GraphQL query to execute
        op_name: The name of the GraphQL operation
        variables: Operation variables.
        headers: Request headers.
        jwt: JWT (must be formatted as `prefix token`).
        errors: Assert that the response data contains the GraphQL `errors` array
        error_codes: List of error codes that must be present in the response.
        raises ErrorCode: Error code that must be present
                             in `["extension"]["code"]`.

        Ariadne's GraphQLResult object response
    response = await self.query(query, variables, op_name, headers, jwt)
    if errors:
    if response[1]["data"]:
        assert not response[1]["data"][op_name]
    if raises:
        assert (
            in response[1]["errors"][0]["extensions"][
    if error_codes:
        for val in list(response[1]["extensions"].values()):
            if isinstance(val, dict):
                assert any( in val for code in error_codes)
    return response

assert_query_success(self, query, op_name, variables=None, headers=None, jwt=None, op_errors=False, error_codes=None) async

Assert True if the GraphQL query succeeds.

With default params, the query succeeds if:

  • Request status is 200
  • GraphQL errors array is not present
  • The name of the GraphQL operation is in the response at the top level

Additional options can be used to assert specific results :


Name Type Description Default
query str

The GraphQL query to execute

op_name str

The name of the GraphQL operation

variables dict

Operation variables.

headers dict

Request headers.

jwt str

JWT (must be formatted as prefix token).


If True, will assert the presence of the error field (defined by the ERROR_FIELD setting) in operation response data.

error_codes List[turbulette.errors.ErrorCode]

List of error codes that must be present in the response.



Type Description
Tuple[bool, dict]

Ariadne's GraphQLResult object response

Source code in turbulette/test/
async def assert_query_success(
    query: str,
    op_name: str,
    variables: dict = None,
    headers: dict = None,
    jwt: str = None,
    error_codes: List[ErrorCode] = None,
) -> GraphQLResult:
    """Assert True if the GraphQL query succeeds.

    With default params, the query succeeds if:

    - Request status is `200`
    - GraphQL `errors` array is **not** present
    - The name of the GraphQL operation is in the response at the top level

    Additional options can be used to assert specific results :

        query: The GraphQL query to execute
        op_name: The name of the GraphQL operation
        variables: Operation variables.
        headers: Request headers.
        jwt: JWT (must be formatted as `prefix token`).
        op_errors: If `True`, will assert the presence of the error
            field (defined by the `ERROR_FIELD` setting) in operation response data.
        error_codes: List of error codes that must be present in the response.

        Ariadne's GraphQLResult object response
    response = await self.query(query, variables, op_name, headers, jwt)
    assert response[1]["data"][op_name]
    if error_codes:
        for val in list(response[1]["extensions"].values()):
            if isinstance(val, dict):
                assert any( in val for code in error_codes)
    if op_errors:
        assert response[1]["data"][op_name][self.error_field]
        # If no errors, will assert to None
        assert not response[1]["data"][op_name].get(self.error_field)
    return response

Last update: 2021-02-18